Corporate Welfare with LILT
The “Smiles for All” corporate welfare program is renewed for the fourth consecutive year.
Thanks to the collaboration with LILT Milan Monza and Brianza, the initiative aimed at all Intesi Group employees is restarted.
Prevention is essential because the health of employees is an investment and an important value.
Data provided by LILT tell us that in Italy one in three women and one in two men are likely to develop cancer in their lifetime. The incidence of new cases is increasing, but there is a higher curability, attested at 67 percent of cases. And that is where prevention comes in.
Intesi Group will donate dermatological visits and ECG to assess cardiovascular risk to all its employees. For each visit provided, the cost of the service will be covered, plus a donation will be made to support LILT’s institutional activities.
Next, on the occasion of Women’s Day, all ladies will be donated a breast examination with related in-depth ultrasound/mammography examination.
Finally, Intesi Group will make available to those most in need 50 “Prepaied Visits“.
Let us therefore continue to smile … ALL TOGETHER!