EWC has been selected by the European Commission to participate in EU Digital Identity Wallet Large Scale Pilots

Intesi Group – part of the EUDI Wallet Consortium (EWC) – is proud to announce that the Consortium has been selected by the European Commission to participate in the large-scale pilots to ensure interoperability and adoption of the European Digital Identity Wallet.

Our pilot is focused on the use of the EU Digital Identity Wallet in the context of travel – such as providing passenger information, buying goods and services, and trusted business-to-business interactions. The pilot will focus on situations which are central people’s online lives and identify barriers and enablers to adoption and scaling of the EUDI wallet. Furthermore, by including payments and organizational digital identity (“ODI”), the EWC ensures that the pilot evaluates scenarios which are relevant to citizens, business and governments such as secure e-commerce and business-to-business transactions.

With over 60 participants, from both private and public sector, EWC represents almost every country in the EU and EFTA plus Ukraine and is able to provide pan-European services and further the digital inner single market and beyond. EWC is led by Swedish and Finnish government authorities and supported by relevant industry experts from the travel and payment industry as well as a large number of technology partners with experience in digital identity, trust services, wallet applications and integration of these technologies into online services.

EWC will be piloting usage scenarios alongside complete travel journeys from booking of flights, hotels etc. to CheckIns, shopping and payment all across Europe. The pilot scenarios require the collaboration of a multitude of European partners such as Wallet Providers, Qualified Attestation and other trust services, Personal Identification Data (PID)-/ Organisational Digital Identity (ODI)-Providers, relying parties such as travel agencies, airlines, ferry operators, as well as international payment providers. The pilot scenarios will be evaluated and tested by a large number of end-users across Europe to optimize the user experience and identify barriers and enablers to adoption and scaling of the EU Digital Identity Wallet.

The EUDI Wallet is part of the proposed eIDAS2-regulation[1], which will provide all European citizens access to a trusted digital identity provided by their government and accepted in all EU Member States and EFTA. The EUDI Wallet will be able to contain additional information, such as a mobile driving license, educational certificates and more, which can be shared with full control of the user. The EUDI Wallet will be used for both government services and private sector, payments as well as other trust services like electronic signing. This means that for a wallet to function, it will need to operate within an eco-system of supporting organizations, issuing attributes and facilitating sharing of credentials. In the end, the EUDI Wallet will ensure trustworthy digital transactions such as identification, sharing attributes, authentication, as well as signing, preservation and archiving.

The European Commission set up a program to develop the EUDI Wallet ecosystem through  Large Scale Projects Pilots (LSPs).  These LSPs will be run by international consortia representing a broad variety of organizations that will set up services in various roles, such as wallet issuers, attribute issuers, trust services and service providers from many different European Member States. The experiences gained through the LSPs will be shared with the EU member states and the European Commission implementation to create a sustainable ecosystem meeting the needs of European citizens.

EWC will start running its pilot early next year. Please keep an eye on our website for updates and a complete list of all participants in the EWC: https://eudiwalletconsortium.org/

[1] Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 as regards establishing a framework for a European Digital Identity