A new brand for Intesi Group: innovation made visible

Intesi Group has undergone a big restyling. A new logo, new colours, and a modern and minimal design to follow our company’s development, both in Italy and abroad.

Milan, 21st September 2016 – Intesi Group – Italian Tech Company – in business since 1998, announces today its rebranding, starting from a total rethinking of the logo and the company’s identity: new colours, new image, new website, and new online communication.

Intesi Group is by now acknowledged on the market as an innovative, reliable and growing company. In order to be consistent with the role it has carved out through the years, a “shedding of skin” was in order.

First of all, minimalism: our I and G stylised and rounded, also representing the numbers 1 and 0, recalling the programming code used daily by our developers; but they are also two rings, a larger and a smaller one, like a planet and its satellites.

Simple is also the colour: black, which can turn into a colour in order to identify business units or special projects.

Watch the new video of the transformation of Intesi Group!