Introducing the new

After intensive work by the marketing team, we are happy to announce that our new corporate website is online!

One of the goals of the redesign process was to create a more customer-centric website responsive on all platforms and devices. We want customers and followers to be able to find information about our solutions and services more easily, and we want to offer a clean, modern and simple navigation.

Many, many new features. First of all, the new payoff will be linked to the Intesi Group logo: Trust Forward. A synthesis of the company’s core values. The aim is to combine the theme of trust with that of technology and a positive vision of the future: customer confidence in using our products and services because they are safe, compliant with regulations and in line with the most innovative technologies. A unique offer that constantly improves our digital experiences and consequently our analogic lives.

In addition, we wrote a manifesto that – in just a few lines – summarises our uniqueness, our goals and motivations:

Our mission is to build a digital reality in which trust is the most natural thing in the world.

We know the value of a simple gesture like signing your name.

We have been listening, studying, and learning with passion, every day for almost 25 years, to create a new culture at the service of people and their needs.

We have changed the rules. We began thinking out of the box before anyone else so as to offer everyone a simpler and safer experience which is both inclusive and sustainable.

We know that human relationships can never be replaced by technology, but we work hard every day to make them easier and better.

Trust in the future starts today. You can put your signature to it. 

We defined a new content map so that information would be more obvious and easier to find, both by search engines and by users.

From the study of the new map came a dual menu, with a focus on Signature products – always the flagship of Intesi Group’s offering – through the use of a mega menu that at a glance would give the site visitor an overview of the product best suited to his or her needs.

The implementation part of the website began with a graphic revisitation of the brand Identity that first saw the use of a new brand color: bright blue that immediately brings back to the theme of safety, serenity and trust, combined with technology given the color gradation selected by the Art Director.

Secondly, a choice of style and cut of the photographic images took place, no longer real visual elements but abstract and high-quality concepts that would increase the perception of the products and services Intesi Group offers to its customers.

As a final change, throughout the UI of the site, corners were “smoothed out” by taking the curved lines of the logo itself and bringing them back to all navigation elements: menu bar, navigation buttons, content or image boxes.

The content of the site was revisited with a clearer tone of voice closer to the customer, reducing technicalities and with a keen eye on search engine optimization.

I believe Intesi Group’s new website aligns perfectly with our corporate vision of future growth and expansion – says Paolo Sironi President and CEO Intesi Group – This project has given a form, beautiful moreover, and content to what we know how to do and what we believe in“.

We’d love to hear what you think about this project and get your feedback as customers or just visitors.

Please drop us a line at: and … Keep your eyes open, many news coming!

Let’s start your visit to the new