The third edition of “Smiles for All” is coming!

For the third consecutive year, Intesi Group is offering all Intesians the “Smiles for All” corporate welfare program.

Thanks to the collaboration with LILT Milan Monza and Brianza, the well-structured cancer prevention project, which is developed through a variety of initiatives, is back.

For primary cancer prevention, two engaging and very practical webinars are planned to promote healthier lifestyles.

On the secondary prevention front, we will continue by offering dermatological visits to all employees. For each visit, the cost of the service will be covered, plus a donation will be made to support LILT’s institutional activities.

Next, on the occasion of Women’s Day, all ladies will be donated a breast examination with a related in-depth echo/mammogram examination.

Finally, Intesi Group will make available to the most needy and indigent 50 cancer prevention visits.
